Aging with dignity

More than 85,000 inhabitants of Almere have not only a Dutch background, but also roots in dozens of other countries of origin. That makes Almere a colorful city.
The number of older migrants is also increasing rapidly. Their resilience is often great and family care is self-evident. Yet they feel lonely more often, their health is often fragile and they make less use of care and welfare facilities than the native Dutch elderly.

The 'Colorful Almere' network is there to create a cohesive range of care & welfare for elderly people with a migration background. Five partners are working together to make earlier contact with migrant older people and provide an appropriate support offer. The starting point is general where possible, specific where necessary. The network:

  • strengthens the chain for the timely identification of the needs of migrant elderly,
  • constantly involves migrant elderly in matching supply and demand,
  • supports professionals in working with migrant elderly.


The network started as a collaboration between the Zorggroep Almere, welfare foundation De Schoor, Volunteers and Informal Care Center Almere / VMCA, Elaa (de Ros for Amsterdam and Almere) and the municipality Almere. Humanitas Almere and Salvation Army Corps Almere have joined. The aim is to expand cooperation.

Logo Humanitas Almere
Logo Leger des Heils
Elderly people with a migration background and their carers about their experiences in Almere.
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